Equal Money FAQ: Will David Icke Still be Able to Manufacture Conspiracies?

David Icke is a writer and a speaker known for his views on who and what is really controlling the world. David Icke claims that who and what is really controlling the world are reptilian humanoids. This conspiracy theory has created attention from a worldwide perspective.

David Icke’s views about the world were slightly different from the general population’s views about the world and the operations thereof. From a starting point of view on one of David Icke’s perspectives, David Icke claimed to be the son of God — which triggered David Icke to become famous for his perspectives on the world that we live in. The theory was that we are all one within an infinite consciousness, and that what is known as “David Icke”, “Michael Jackson”, “Oprah Winfrey”, “Bill Gates”, etc. — are just different points of observation of that consciousness. Thus, if one takes this consciousness to be God, or use the term ‘God’, then we are all sons and daughters of God.

A conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general public. If we take current system that is existent today, it thrives on knowledge and information as power, and thus, within that possession of knowledge and information — the more it is with withheld from the public, the more powerful an individual is — from the perspective of ‘status’ and decision-making. Thus, the current system feeds off of knowledge and information to give it the ‘life’ that it needs to exist by taking away advantages from others and having them work in order to obtain it for the generation of income. Therefore, conspiracy theories are the effect of attempting to ‘debunk’ the ‘essence’ of the ‘man-made equilibrium’ that is the equilibrium of/as the system’s infrastructure as how we exist within/as it.

In an equal-money system, all knowledge and information will be available to everyone because within an equal-money system, all monetary supply will be distributed equally to all. Thus, the withholding of knowledge and information from others for profit and power will no longer be necessary. This will naturally eradicate the existence of conspiracy theories because conspiracy theories are the effect of the withholding of knowledge and information from the mass. This, in turn, will give all the opportunity of obtaining direct knowledge and information about any subject that is available. It is what is best for all.

Summary: David Icke is a writer and a speaker known for his views on who and what is really controlling the world. David Icke claims that who and what is really controlling the world are reptilian humanoids. This conspiracy theory has created attention from a worldwide perspective. A conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general public. In an equal-money system, all knowledge and information will be available to all. There will be no more conspiracy theories because it wouldn’t be necessary. There will be direct knowledge and information on all subjects. It is what is best for all.

Equal Money System: Will Children Be Able to Inherit Their Parents’ Stuff?

Inheritance is the acquisition received from a predecessor. An Equal-Money System is an alleged system wherein’ it’s primary focus is not on monetary gain, but rather a system that supports all living structures to exist in prosperity. In the current monetary system, inheritance is primarily the acquisition of wealth received from a family member. In an equal money system, there will be no wealth to acquire. Albeit no wealth is necessary in an equal money system, there will be personal possessions such as clothing, items that were designed by another, etc. that can be inherited, but most goods will immediately be recycled so that there are no superfluous build-ups.

No one will own one single property, therefore, property will be directed in a way that is best for all. There will be, thus, no ownership transfer of anything that is of the Earth to the children because nothing, as such, would be owned eventually, but in the beginning and during the transition periods to an equal money system, we will first go through a period of having a basic income grant and where property ownership will be important so that one can restore, initially, the ‘experience’ for each one to own property. In the latter stages, property will be exchanged rather than owned. The acquisition of a particular kind of property will be based on family size, and according to one’s particular needs, but not in the form of wealth as wealth would not exist. Property will have no value, and will not able to be sold, but will simply be a support for one as Life while on Earth, Thus, it will be the responsibility of all to upkeep the property as a representation of character, and one’s understanding of value as Life.

Summary: Inheritance is the acquisition received from a predecessor. There will be personal possessions such as clothing, items that were designed by another, etc. that can be inherited in an equal money system, but most goods will immediately be recycled so that there are no superfluous build-ups. No one will own one single property, therefore, property will be directed in a way that is best for all.

Equal Money System: What about Supply and Demand?

Supply and demand is an economic model of price determination in a market. The price will vary until the particular good is sold at a reasonable, yet, competitive rate. If a product is being sold at an elevated cost compared to most other competitive markets, there will theoretically be less of a demand for the product, but yet, a larger supply. If a product is being sold at a lower cost compared to most other competitive markets, there will theoretically be more of a demand for the product, but yet, a smaller supply. This also decreases the earnings of the seller because more buyers are buying the product for a less price within an allotted supply. If the price increased to a reasonable cost, but yet, maintained its competitive rate, the seller will still be able to acquire a sufficient demand for his or her earnings.

The supply and demand ideology within the current monetary system sits on a pedestal of attempting to maintain a specific market equilibrium. Simplistically when something is being bought at a specific price, an earning is acquired. In order to maintain a specific earning equilibrium — requires the understanding of how supply and demand works in order to keep a sustained monetary flow.

But if money wasn’t the ‘engine’ of our livelihood, then there would be no sales. Thus, there would be no reason for a monetary supply and demand. There will simply be the use of physical energy to create the product that is being marketed, the physical energy used to give the product to another, and for the other to take the product. But let us redefine the word ‘marketed’ within such a system. If such a system existed where all man’s necessities is taken cared of, the definition of marketing products would simply be the distribution of a new commodity for the value of all life instead of for the value of money. There would be nothing actually to market  for the sake of gaining profit. If everyone had equal monetary value, then the value of money would cease to exist which would make the supply and demand economic model an incompatible approach.

Summary: Supply and demand is an economic model of price determination in a market. The price will vary until the particular good is sold at a reasonable, yet, competitive rate. But if money wasn’t the ‘engine’ of our livelihood, then there would be no sales. Thus, there would be no reason for a monetary supply and demand. There would be nothing actually to market for the sake of gaining profit. If everyone had equal monetary value, then the value of money would cease to exist which would make the supply and demand economic model an incompatible approach.

Will There Be Inflation in an Equal Money System?

In economics, inflation is an increase in the general level of prices, goods, and services in an economic system over a period of time. When the general level of prices rise, fewer goods and services are bought with each currency unit. This reflects the purchasing power of monetary value which decreases during an inflation period.

Inflation follows its polarity which is deflation in which the purchasing power of monetary value increases while more goods and services are bought at a lesser cost. Inflation and Deflation exists within this monetary system bringing an equilibrium of the processes affecting the production, development and management of money.

There are many ’causes’ of inflation, and the causes of inflationary periods are currently theoretical equations created through and out history. The general causes of inflation are the ‘demand-pull’ inflation – wherein demand is growing faster than supply. When this happens prices usually increase. The other theoretical cause of inflation is the ‘cost-push’ inflation wherein the necessity to increase prices to maintain profit exists, therefore, increasing cost within business firms.

Thus, we see that within inflation, there is a push-pull of financial integrity to maintain an equilibrium. The deflation polarity would be the turn-over as a general decline in prices caused by a reduction in the supply of money or credit. Deflation is the cause of unemployment increase as there are lower levels of demand in the economy, which can lead to economic depression.

How would this change in an Equal Money system? What is an equal-money system? An equal-money system is a system wherein its purpose is not a system that establishes its integrity on capital, but rather, its integrity is established as a system that operates on the principle of what is ‘most optimal’ for all as a whole within the circumference of how each and every being is able to live and function effectively and equally. This gives each man the opportunity to function effectively as a being with access to all necessities that is needed in the current system such as: food, water and shelter.

This, in turn, obliterates the processes of inflation and deflation because inflation and deflation are dependent on the functionality of the how the current system operates through monetary flow. Thus, in order to keep a hypothetical equilibrium within the current system is the manifestation of inflation and deflation. As how an equal-money system would function within the principle of what is ‘most optimal’ for all as a whole, there would be no reason for inflation and deflation. All monetary value will be given equally, and life will then be the value of all as all.

Summary: In economics, inflation is an increase in the general level of prices, goods, and services in an economic system over a period of time. Deflation is a general decline in prices caused by a reduction in the supply of money or credit. How would this change in an Equal Money system? Integrity is re-established within the principle of what is ‘most optimal’ for all as a whole within the circumference of how each and every being is able to live and function effectively and equally. This, in turn, obliterates the processes of inflation and deflation because inflation and deflation are dependent on the functionality of the how the current system operates through monetary flow.

Americans Are Automatically Disqualified for Job Openings

The job industry has always been a field of ‘marketers’ marketing revenue as a product utilized for survival purposes, and this approach has been gradually ascertained by the applicant. The ‘marketers’, as the employers within the job industry are as consumers buying, specifically, ‘quality’ applicants with virtually no interest in long-term unemployed applicants that are looking for jobs to survive.

Applicants that are looking for jobs that have been long unemployed are blamed for — as if it is their fault that they have been long unemployed. Reasons for unemployment remain categorically oblivious due to the aggregate of individual events that one experiences concluding the outcome of being unemployed, but jobs intrinsically, shouldn’t be a difficult task, but is  only difficult because of the stringent principals that are established as the means of acquiring income for survival purposes. “Everyone is trying to keep their peace of the meat.” This is the ecumenical fear that has settled, and is the engine that drives the job market.

The energy and production time that it takes to find a job has become a job in itself (with no pay) — as individuals settle out to look for a job and as to undesirably get turned down. Since unemployment has no federal protection status, like age or race, barring unemployed people from applying does not qualify under the statutory definition of discrimination. This, in itself, is the system’s ‘right’ to have a ‘qualifiable’ excuse to do nothing for the accession of job growth — as the silent abuse continues: which is the ‘infrastructure’ that mathematically results to the survival methodology of living.

The investigation by the commission set out to research any discrimination of applicants based on the specificity of their race, age, etc.; a law was passed against the barring of applicants through employment ads that were created to preclude them specifically.

Today’s job market has a convoluted form of ‘equal opportunity’ wherein statistics show that the unemployment rate today has increased to 9.2% in the United States from below 3.5% in the 1950s. As of 07/22/2011, there were 1,532 mass layoffs involving 143,444 workers. Although the unemployment rate percentage is relatively low, about 28,244,603 Americans have been out of work based on the number of American citizens in July of 2009. Many people feel shunned by the system because of not having a job based on the larger percentage that is employed. It is as though it is ‘made be that way’.

Wealth Gap Widens Between Whites and Non-Whites

Congress is still wrestling on whether to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans as the wealth gap widens between whites and non-whites. Although, raising taxes isn’t the ultimate solution, it is a temporary solution within/as the current system. The question, why is there a ‘wrestle’ to raise taxes? The answer is because greed exists tacitly within the government wherein raising taxes for the wealthy means less money for them. Also, the strategy of raising taxes has to adjust within the mathematical flow of the current system. If it is offset, it’ll fuck up the system in its entirety.

In 2005, the average house net-worth for whites was $134,992 which took a 6.18% decrease equaling $113,149 in 2009. Hispanics were 7.35% below the 2005 net worth of whites and 1.5% above blacks who’s net-worth for 2005 was $12,124. So with the decrease percentage of whites, their net-worth in 2009 was still, on average, 18.86% higher than Hispanics and Blacks.

The president proposed to close loopholes in the tax code, but has not been solidified due to arguments that raising taxes in a ‘recession’ causes impediments of job creation.

The net-worth statistics would equal out gradually within the implementation of an equal distribution of revenue. For this to happen, a re-implementation of the economical integrity will have to be considered which takes the ‘value’ of money to establish it through a ‘reversion’ process initially which will then proportion successively through the progression of time.

Tax code proposals and job creation impediments will then cease to be an issue that presently effects the infrastructure of society. Net-worth for whites and minorities would be equivalent as the reversion process successively closes the gap to form an equilibrium of monetary distribution.


1) Equal-Money: http://equalmoney.org

Equal Money & Polarity

Equal Money is a common-sensical tool where everyone will be able to express the point of ‘equal values’ and ‘equal rights’, so to speak, by establishing a system that is ‘best for all’ man. It is the ‘foundation’ of that which we all ‘express’ within the form of religion and politics etc. from the perspective of ‘freedom’. In religion, you die and go to a place where everyone is equal. In politics, man talks about the point wherein s/he believes is ‘best for all’ from their perspectives, but politics is also used in social relations involving intrigue to gain authority or power, but it would still be the same concept nevertheless because ‘behind’ the power lies a sense of ‘freedom’. It is as though everyone is ‘trying to get’ to ‘freedom’ within/as ‘power’ — which is ‘separation’ from the realization that everyone is already equal, in-fact, and that ‘freedom’ is ‘already here’ within/as the ‘foundation’ of ‘equality’. It simply has to be birthed into reality as who we are ‘physically’ within/as this existence.

But an equal money system would be virtually impossible to manifest because the foundation of the current system is meant for the ‘rich’ to be financially fed through the poor. The current system is a ‘vampire’ system. It is meant to support ‘polarity’ for financial gain. Thus, the ‘heaven’ would simply be provided for the ‘rich’ — which is not an ‘actual heaven’, but is a sort-of ‘manipulated’ form of heaven. Equal money would be the answer to stop all crimes. Have a look. Most / All crimes are manifested because of survival:

Quoted from Scribd.com:

Peer influence
A person’s peer group strongly influences a decision to commit crime. For example, young boys and girls who do not fit into expected standards of academic achievement can sometimes become lost in the competition. Children of families who cannot afford adequate clothing or school supplies can also fall into the same trap. Researchers believe these youth may abandon schoolmates in favor of criminal gangs, since membership in a gang earns respect and status in a different manner. In gangs, antisocial behavior and criminal activity earns respect and street credibility. Like society in general, criminal gangs are usually focused on material gain. Gangs, however, resort to extortion, fraud, and theft as a means of achieving it.

We see here that ‘peer influence’ plays a role in the cause of crimes, and we can see that ‘criminal gangs’ are usually focused on ‘material gain’ as stated above. Researchers believe some of the young people who do not meet certain standards, whether it’s academic, social, financial, etc. may abandon schoolmates in favor of criminal gangs, since membership in a gang earns respect and status. Now if everyone had the ‘material necessities’ already: such as a good running car, a roof over their head… all common-sensical shit that man needs to ‘survive’ and travel effectively, we can ‘mathematically’ say that at least ‘most’ gangs wouldn’t exist anymore because everyone would have the basic fundamentals that are ‘fought for’ daily.

Now we also see ‘pride’ as another reason of gang activity. Many gangs are out to be known — to be shown. Why? Because they are simply reflecting what we are doing to each other. In our systematic life that has been birthed through our collective choices, we have a hierarchy: the rich at the top and the poor at the bottom. I also thought about the point of how ‘northern’ regions and countries seem to virtually always have ‘more than’ southern regions, states, and countries. Have a look. North America vs. South America. If you stay in Dallas, you’ll know that North Dallas has more ‘financial integrity’ than South Dallas. We see four of the most richest countries based in Europe which is one of the north-most continents out of the seven continents. This doesn’t reveal a relevant point, but simply an observation, but the point is, pride, from an ‘ego’ perspective, is birthed from the point of ‘polarity’ as ‘more than’ – ‘less than’. Thus, gangs would be ‘showing us’ our own ‘haughty’ tendencies — which causes abuse, murder, rape, starvation, etc. Pride is a killer, and the more that we participate in ‘pride’, the more we support the ‘abuse’ to continue to exist.

So what would be the cause of pride is the same reason that there is polarity in the financial system (rich / poor). The rich needs many people to support their financial integrity. The poor simply needs a constructed financial integrity and will attribute more of a ‘psychological motive’ to make that happen depending on how ‘great’ their ‘desire’ is for a constructed financial integrity — which would birth robbery, murder, etc. within the world because of this polarity friction.

This would be the same as pride. Pride equals power and freedom. Money equals power and freedom. The ones that already have ‘position’ have ‘respect’ from other fellow men, and the most ‘obvious’ way to gain ‘respect’ is by acquiring a sufficient amount of ‘money’ that will equal to the ‘image’ of ‘respect’. Many individuals that don’t have money or ‘pride’ will ‘force’ their pride to manifest through means such as through different forms of violent motives which would then manifest the ’emotion’ / ‘feeling’ of ‘pride’ within/as themselves through/as the MIND. So we know that ‘pride’ is birthed from polarity, and we know that one obvious (and probably the greatest polarity point) within the world is ‘money’. Well through ‘equal money’, everyone will ‘live equal’, and there will be no need to do things to gain ‘pride’. Pride will cease to exist. It is the same as with mathematics.

If you are multiplying 1/2 X 2/1, you will get the answer 2/2. Since 2 and 2 are the same, then they will both ‘cancel out’ each other and equal one. If you take the phrase ‘equal one’ within this context and add equal+ity and one+ness, you get equality and oneness.

Here’s another example. If you are multiplying 12/6 X 6/18, you will get the answer 2/3 (or .667). The two 6s in this context will ‘cancel out’ and ‘equal one’. Thus, 12/1 and 1/18 would equal to 2/3.

So if we ‘bring everyone’ to a point where everyone is equal and one with/as themselves, then equality is birthed, and thus, equal-money can take effect. How to do that? It is the same with mathematics. We have to ‘cancel out’ all points that are believed to exist ‘separate’ from us and to realize that we are equal and one to these points and that we ‘are’ those points. This will cause starvation, greed, murder, rape, genocide, etc. to cease to exist because these points are birthed from a starting point of ‘separation’ such as ‘fear’ — utilizing thoughts, feelings and emotions to generate these points ‘as separation’. Thus, which is why it is ‘vital’ to stop the MIND existent within/as ‘polarity’. The ‘opposite’ is only a ‘polarity reflection’ of the alternative. The ‘opposite’ really doesn’t exist.


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