Preparing Myself to Board the Biaviian Mothership in 2012

I was fascinated with aliens most of my life, and one of the primary alien species that fascinated me were the Biaviians. The Biaviians are an alien race that I studied in the mid-decade of 2000. I was at a point in my life where I wanted to give up on my spiritual quest of enlightenment. I was looking for something in life. I was looking for ‘more’ in life because I saw this life as limited. I always questioned, how ever we became to be human beings, end up existing in such a world like this.  I mean, take a look at this world for once. What is it that is fascinating about this world? You have starvation, corruption, and a monetary system that enslaves and forces you to hustle everyday to keep your monetary value sufficient. This world is money-driven, which has become the integrity of/as life and living. I was tired of that. I wanted ‘more’ so I researched many things from Gnosticism to Satanism. One of the subjects that I researched was aliens, and one day I was doing some “soul searching” online and read about an opportunity that I have never heard of in my life. The opportunity was — that you can acquire a symbol that can be used as a ticket to the board a mothership. The symbol has strange configurations on it that, according to what I read, was of alien origin. These symbols were to be used to board the Biaviian mothership in 2012 if necessary. Right then and there, my eyes became big as if I saw a ghost. I said to myself, “This is it. This is it!” Because I had the opportunity to leave this planet in 2012.

The symbols were designed as an ’emergency exit’ (if you will). According to the alien scientists aboard the Biaviian mothership, Earth is virtually suspended upon the brink of an ecological cataclysm of universal proportions, thus, which is the reason that the Biaviian aliens, according to the literature, have distributed 144,000 symbol configurations to be given to 144,000 people that will board the mothership — in order to ‘save’ the genetic integrity of human beings. The question is, why would they want to save us? Because, according to the literature, the Biaviians are aware of man’s technological ability to destroy all human life on this planet. Thus, out of their own will, decided to save us, if it ever gets to that point in 2012.

I looked at this point and never questioned my responsibility to myself and the world. My decision, before such a possible airlift, was to do everything that I wanted to do — as what I believed to be my ‘expression’. And that I was here simply to experience life to the fullest. Isn’t that what they say — that life is meant to be lived to the fullest? That’s what my goal was within my world and reality.

And then I came cross something ELSE that I have NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE, and it’s funny that I have never heard of it before because it was quite simple. What if everything is programmed, or if not everything, what if I am programmed to do what I ‘like’ to do within this world and reality? What if everything that I have done up until now was simply pre-designed, and what I believed to be living was simply a re-enactment of what I have already accepted and allowed myself to be and become through and within everything that I have experienced until now? I mean, it could be as  simple as the way that I walk, and the way that I move because everything that I consist of and exist as — as a ‘personality’ is simply a re-enactment of the ‘me’ that created myself to behave the way that I behave through my experiences. Therefore, within this perspective, I am a walking robot enslaved by my own past, and think that what I am thinking and feeling presently is really ‘me’ in this moment, but never considered that it could just be a re-cycle of a previous time that I experienced in which I projected onto the moment here, and made it real.

I never considered that, but I have to consider that. And then the point of considering that, all of a sudden makes sense! Because I have to look at my starting point for wanting to ‘live life’. I have to look at my starting point of EVERYTHING that I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become! Because in-fact, everything that I do, I have hypothetically concluded, is simply a product of the past — and that goes for everything: my thoughts, my feelings to/towards others, my emotions within/as relationships, my perceptions, my beliefs about others and myself, my ideas, etc. It started to make sense when I saw it this way because for all of these points within/as me to exist the way they do, there has to be a trigger point — a point in the past that I have created a ‘relationship’ to and used that relationship to define myself.

So therefore, I knew I had a responsibility. I knew that I had to transcend everything that I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become rather than considering to board a mothership — because I ‘do’ want to become ‘real’. I looked at the point of why I even want to board a mothership to leave this planet. It was because I was a coward. I didn’t want to take self-responsibility for myself, so therefore, at the time, I decided to leave with the Biaviians. It’s just like committing suicide. It’s a point of giving up on myself to not want to face the world as ‘me’, but instead, run away from it and exist in a place that I defined as ‘heaven’. It’s no different than when I was a Christian. One of the reasons that I left Christianity is because the lifestyle didn’t ‘flow’ with me. I was to be a servant to some being that I never seen before…. I didn’t want to accept that. It didn’t make sense to me based on how this world has been allowed to become in the face of some alleged ‘powerful’ being that is here to ‘save’ us. It didn’t make sense to put faith in a being that has allowed this world to exist the way it does. But even in Christianity, I never even questioned why there was even a heaven to begin with because there’s no reason for a heaven to have to exist separate from this planet Earth. It makes a lot of sense to create a Heaven here in this world and reality. So I decided that I want to help establish Heaven on Earth. Why run away from what I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as in this world? No, I didn’t directly participate in the destruction of this world, but I am a participant — just like everyone is a participant….  a participant of ‘abuse’. But not only am I a participant within/as this world — as what is manifested here as ‘abuse’, but am also a participant in what I allowed myself to believe and hope for — that a mothership exists so that I can be ‘saved’…. It is really a point of self-sabotage — allowing myself to be a slave of ‘belief’ and ‘hope’ — existing as a puppet on strings being directed by my own point of ‘giving up’ on myself in/as this world — thus seeing a ‘way out’ as ‘boarding a mothership’. Why would such a point be exercised anyway by humanity? To keep people from taking self-responsibility for what has been accepted and allowed in this world to exist, and to trust in beliefs and hopes to change the world.

The Atlanteans

I was always interested in aliens growing up. Although the Atlanteans weren’t technically aliens from the knowledge and information that I received about the Atlanteans because they were from the Earth, but they could fit into the category of aliens because they have never actually been seen physically. It’s just like the hollow earth phenomenon wherein people believe that the Earth is hollow and inhabited by beings that are supposedly ‘more evolved’ than us. From within what I studied about Atlantis, Atlantis was a colony of Lemura which was supposedly inhabited by people from Lemuria in which the Mayan’s also colonized, and is suppose to be one of the most evolved civilizations that existed within the world. My years of initially learning about the Atlanteans was within a book called Thiaoouba Prophecy. Thiaoouba Prophecy is about some highly-evolved aliens that abducted a man named Michel Desmarquet. They took him to their planet, basically, to let him know that the way that we are conducting ourselves within this world, our integrity as beings will not last a significant amount of time if we accept and allow ourselves to continue to live the way that we are living within this world as a form of abuse through money — in which I certainly agree with this perspective.

I thus came across an mp3 file later in my life about the Atlanteans, the existence of the Atlantean Race, and their planet — which was the Earth itself at the time, and how they existed, created, and constructed their home and civilization using sound crystals, and how we as a humanity were faced with what we are experiencing today within this world through/within separation — which took place at the time of the Atlanteans. It became a series in itself, and something that I was unable to find anywhere else on the internet nor in books.

One thing that I learned from the listening to the Atlantean series is how the Atlanteans were one of the races that were the ‘maintainers’ of existence — maintaining existence from ‘friction’ in its entirety. The friction would manifest as ripple effects within/as existence that came from particular specific discrepancies from certain races. When there was a conflict, friction, or change within existence, it would send out a ripple effect, and alter or change the motion, movement, and expression of individual molecular structural manifestations. Within the core of each of these individual molecular structural manifestations is the power-source (the life) that is existent within/as everything. These molecular structural manifestations are now manipulated into/as the ‘atom’ that we know of today — in which this ‘power source’ is being managed, and used for ‘energy’ for the mind — which is the reason that humanity has become limited within the perspective of how this physical reality functions within the ‘law of physics’. The Atlanteans would correct this ‘imbalance’ within existence by taking that one molecule within themselves, in which the change happened, and placing it within their chest area which would assist and support with the expression of stabilizing and equalizing the molecular structural manifestation once again.

If we look at the government and the ‘law’ today, the government and the ‘law’ exists, from a certain perspective, as maintainers of this current capitalistic system. As we can see, in general, as how we are existing as within/as this reality, we are able to ask ourselves if it is even practical to utilize strategies to maintain the infrastructure of the system. We see that the system is entirely demonized by corruption within this world, and thus cannot be maintained from the perspective where all living beings are able to benefit from it equally. The corruption within this world and reality came from a starting-point which took place in/as the ‘creation’ of the ‘law’ by the people as the instigators. This is why leaders exist to show us how to correct ourselves within an overall system that can never be ‘corrected’ because of its foundation of corruption and inequality. This is why we need a new system that is best for all — where all beings are able to be ‘maintainers’ of themselves equalizing themselves within/as existence — where each being is able to take self-responsibility in maintaining their own inner conflicts, frictions, and changes within. This is how leadership can also be redefined — when we realize leadership as a point of aligning ourselves to what it takes to birth ourselves in a way in which all beings are able to apply the same process of leadership within themselves, thus, creating harmony as a practical consistency of/as life. If the Atlanteans were able to align themselves with/as who they were and maintain that alignment through and within existence, I know that we have the ability to take self-responsibility within our own acceptances and allowances, and align ourselves to/towards a world that honors all life.